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Re: discussion with the FSF: GPLv3, GFDL, Nexenta

On Mon, 4 Jun 2007 19:30:36 +1000 Anthony Towns wrote:

> And I mean, I know what a GR is for, why are you telling me? It's
> still not a *good solution* for deciding these things; it's a last
> resort, and the only other options we currently have a "ftpmaster
> decides" and "it's obvious to pretty much everybody".

I'm rather surprised to hear you saying that, since you seem to have
been the proposer of GR-2006-001...

> The official position of Debian is what we allow in main.

That is to say?  Bugs never happen?!?  Nothing can possibly enter main
by mistake or overlook?!?

> Unfortunately, since "-legal in general" becomes an amorphous set of
> individuals who reserve the right to hold whatever opinions they like
> whenever questioned, there's little hope of -legal ever learning from
> its mistakes.

Are you going to call the orwellian thought police, since I hold my
*own* opinions?!?

 Need to read a Debian testing installation walk-through?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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