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Re: DNSsafe license

Bdale Garbee writes:
> I fail to see how this restricts distribution of modified versions of
> BIND in any way.

Among other things, it forbids distribution of versions of BIND that have
been modified by having all the DNS stuff removed and replaced with
something else entirely.

> But again, I don't see how this violates the DFSG...

By forbidding modifications that would turn BIND into something else, and
by discriminating against all fields of endeavor except DNS.

> ...or how it in any way prevents distribution of BIND.

It doesn't.  It just makes it non-free.

> This one is the most problematic point for me.  I'd like the API to be as
> free as the software, but I can't see how this violates the DFSG.

By forbidding modifications that change the API.

> We have lots of cases where free software implements one or the other
> side of a proprietary API, after all.

But you are free to modify it in ways that break the API.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI

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