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Re: Sarge on libretto110ct

Also sprach Liudmila Yafremava <yafrmava@uiuc.edu> (Tue, 30 May 2006
15:40:24 -0500 (CDT)):
> Hi, Digby, Kevin!
> Thanks to your help, I was able to install Sarge on my Libretto. I
> posted  how I did it on the lists, since it is a bit different from
> your  suggestions. Still, there are a few things this stubborn
> Libretto does not  want to do for me. For example, the screen is
> 800x480, but it insists on  displaying 800x600, so I lose a part of
> the image. How can I talk it into  displaying 800x480 only? 

            Option          "overridevalidatemode"
#optional   Option          "strangelockups"        "false"
in your "Device" section in the config (Xfree or xorg)

> Also,
> while Sarge (very nicely!) loads all the  necessaries for usb, it
> complains when I plug in the pcmcia usb card:

It's hotplug (but it's replaced by udev nowadays). 

> usb-ohci.c: found ohci device with no irq assignment. check bios
> setings! PCI: No IRQ known for interrupt pin B of device 15:00.1.
> Please try using  pci=biosirq.
> And do it goes for all pins. Of course, no usb devices pluggged in it 
> work.

Never tried usb on my 110ct.

> And lastly, that thing runs HOT! From your experience, is that really 
> normal? When I pull the PCMCIA cards from it, they are so hot, I worry

No, I can work four hours, even in africa at 40 degrees celsius and
overclocked to 266MHz.

It "should" switch off itself if it's getting too hot.

> just how well they would work...
> Thanks for your help,
> Luda

sl ritch

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