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Re: Copying Debian to another drive

>>>>> "Sean" == Sean Perry <shaleh@speakeasy.net> writes:


Sean> You then need an adapter to take the mini-ide + power of laptops
Sean> and use it in a normal pc. Another option is to buy an external
Sean> USB hard drive housing.

Yet another option, if your ThinkPad has an UltraBay, is to get the 2nd
hard drive adaptor.  I think it was on the order of about $60 Canadian,
so it may be a bit pricey if it's just for a one-off thing, but I find
it pretty convenient.

One nice thing about it is you can even boot from your second hard
drive, so you don't have to fiddle with swapping hard drives.  The only
thing that you need to be aware of is that when you boot from the second
hard drive, your BIOS (and hence your bootloader -- LILO or GRUB) will
consider the drive in the UltraBay to be the first hard drive, but
Linux, since it bypasses the BIOS, will consider it to be the /dev/hdc.

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca> - http://www.uhoreg.ca/
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