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Re: port 80 access while downloading over ppp ?

Le 12243ième jour après Epoch,
Michael.Wordehoff@gmx.de écrivait:

> Hola Jesus.
> Am Donnerstag, 10. Juli 2003 14:44 schrieb Jesús Roncero:
>> I believe this is due to one of those nasty windows viruses/worms that
>> affect IIS, like red code, nimda and the like. They scan randomly IP
>> addresses on port 80 looking for other machines (windows IIS) to infect
> But how can it get access to a ppp connection ?

Because each time you connect, your ISP assign you an IP address, and then you
are accessible through this address. I recommand installing a good firewall on
your box.

> Should i send a note to my isp ?

He can't do anything. Once connected, you may offer services to others, and ISP
is not blocking anything. Close unwanted ports. Your ISP can probably not
install a firewall to protect your machine.

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		-- Jean Giraudoux, "Tiger at the Gates"
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