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Re: Toshiba laptops & Debian

howdy there.

Daniel Pittman <daniel@rimspace.net> wrote:

  > Everyone ships  a "recovery"  system with  their laptop,  not an
  > original OS.

toshiba does too but ...

  > If you  have OS  media, or  access to  Partition Magic,  life is
  > pretty simple --  "install" the recovery stuff,  then resize the
  > partition and install Linux.

... it's  possible to "recover" on  a smaller partition. so  you can
walk the way i wrote of.

  > If you  don't have either  of those,  you may have  some trouble
  > getting the XP partition resized to something sane.

the  recovering  process allows  a  target  selection and  does  not
hesitate to use it - if it's size is big enough ;-)

ahh. the toshiba support is almost ok.

yours, niels

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