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Re: runlevel 3 for a console login?

You probably won't need to change anything in the inittab, all you need
to do is to make rc.d terminate your login manager on runlevel 3.
this is controlled by the symlinks in /etc/rc3.d/
(S99gdm, S99kdm, S99wdm etc. - depending on your login manager)

I had setup something like that. Worked like a charm.

I had had plans, using an extended init system such as simpleinit, to
automatically shut down unneeded services at ac disconnect etc. but i
havn't had time to do so...


        erich@(mucl.de|debian.org)        --        GPG Key ID: 4B3A135C
     A man doesn't know what he knows until he knows what he doesn't know.
       Wer nicht zuweilen zuviel empfindet, der empfindet immer zuwenig.
    Für jedes Problem gibt es eine Lösung, die einfach, klar und falsch ist.

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