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Re: Toshiba laptops

On Sat, Feb 16, 2002 at 07:15:07PM +0000, Luis Mendes wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there anybody out there with any experience of Debian in any of the
> following Toshiba laptops? 
> Satellite 1800-100, 1800-204S, 1800-314, 1800-354S and
> 3000-X4 

> [..snip...]

I am not running any of the machines you mention, but I have had 90%
success with my Toshiba Satellite 2800-C302. A piece of general advice:
if you can get access to one, check what components the machine has. For
example, I found that my laptop used an eepro100-based NIC, lucent
modem, Yamaha opl3 (?) and S3 Savage IX/MV video card. These are all
well supported under linux (in the case of the modem, lucent released
drivers which somone is maintaining as an unofficial Debian package. I
don't recall the URL OTTOMH.) The only thing I don't have working to my
satisfaction is the APM support, but the ACPI looks very promising, once
linux user-space support is up to par. (Keep in mind that much of this
is due to my lack of time and interest in APM/ACPI; I almost always run
my laptop plugged in anyway.)

Since the models you mention were released not too long after mine, I
suspect you will find similar results. BTW, Toshiba's website is a very
good resource for specs, as is http://www.linux-laptop.net/

Mike Alborn <malborn@odoitau.dyn.dhs.org>
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