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Re: OT: Why no new driver? (Was: Re: LinModems)

On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 09:51:40AM +0200, Andreas Tscharner wrote:
> Hello,
> > and the lucent doesn't support the end user. now you will ask: then how
> > came the ltmodem.o module out? as you know this module is designed for
> > redhat 6.2 so redhat asked for support lucent for it's modem and also
> > redhat payed for it (as far as i read the mail from the developer on the
> > net - sorry i don't no more know where it was).
> And that's why I don't understand, why they don't compile it for every new
> kernel as this may use a few minutes to do it and having happy linux end
> users...

That's the bane of non-free/closed source in a free system...

Maybe if we keep buging lucent or whoever to compile a version for this or
that they'll just get fed up and say "oh, hell, here's the source, compile
it yourself."

To which we reply: "Gladly :)"

Or am I missing something... is there some legal problem as to why they
don't release source?

Pat Mahoney	<patmahoney@gmx.net>

For children with short attention spans: boomerangs that don't come back.

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