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prośba o sprawdzenie angielskiego tłumaczenia pliku international/Polish/index.wml


Dostałem wiadomość od David Prévot dotyczącą braku aktualizacji
tłumaczenia na angielski pliku
international/Polish/index.wml. Treść wiadomości poniżej:

A few months ago, you updated www.d.o/international/Polish/ page [1],
but it looks like you forgot to update the English translation
accordingly [2]. Can you please do so?

Thanks in advance.

1: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/webwml/webwml/polish/international/Polish/index.wml?r1=1.36&r2=1.37
	2: https://www.debian.org/devel/website/stats/en#outdated



Przetłumaczyłem ten plik, a wynik tej pracy przesyłam w załączeniu. Na pewno tłumaczenie nie jest idealne, dlatego proszę o sprawdzenie i nanoszenie poprawek. Tłumaczyłem fragment zaczynający się od : Projects on translations (linia 173 pliku wml).

Uwaga: przetłumaczonego pliku nie przesyłałem jeszcze do repozytorium.

#use wml::debian::template title="Debian in Polish" #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="1.40" original="polish" # Thanks for skotik87 and andrzejh for translation and check.

Debian is accessible in Polish language too. From installation of the system, to the user interface of the majority of popular programs and the system messages to the documentation. Obviously, there are many things still to be done in this matter, but probably even now you can use Debian without knowing English.

Furthermore, there is a strong Debian users community in Poland, visible through multiple web sites, mailing lists, and forums. At the moment, there are 13 official Debian developers from Poland registered in the project.

Polish Debian resources

Where to look for help in Polish language

There are several other Polish sites about Debian, but they haven't been updated for some time.

Translating Debian to Polish

Information about translated packages and Debian web pages are available on the statistics pages.

In order to keep the vocabulary consistent, please use the word list when translating Debian-related resources.

If you would like to help with translation (e.g. installation messages, package descriptions, program interfaces, WWW pages like this one, documentation etc.) or if you have another idea what could be placed on this or other Debian pages, send an e-mail on the list.

Formerly a lot of work was put in the Polish Documentation of Debian Project (PDDP), but it seems to be inactive these days.

Projects on translations

The following description was prepared by end of 2013

Installer (debian-installer, d-i)

The Debian Installer is now fully translated. The whole require viewing at least in terms of style, but overall is pretty good.

These translation need to keep an eye on, against the impending new release Debian, because package maintainers tend to make changes in English messages in the last minute.

WWW pages

The main Debian web pages are translated, the part is slightly outdated. Recently, the situation began to improve. It is not worst, though would do well to translate at least a few important pages.

Debconf templates

Currently translated is approx. 60% debconf templates. New templates are usually translated on the fly, but there is still a lot of older templates, which also would be fitting to translate.

Debconf templates are those windows that appear sometimes when installation / upgrade package or call dpkg-reconfigure. Descriptions for translations are usually very short, although some are difficult to translations without knowledge of the specifics of the package. Appropriate notice of the upcoming new version of templates are announced on the debian-i18n mailing lists, and the translated template must be send as bug reports against this package with wishlist priority.


Manuals with packages such as coreutils (rm, cat, etc.), util-linux (dmesg, mkfs, etc.), manpages (proc, hosts, etc.) and others (sed, bash, etc.) are translated in the manpages-pl project, which accepts every willing soul who will want to reduce even one piece nearly 700 completely outdated manual pages waiting for his day of glory :-). At the moment the translation of manpages-pl also get at least to Fedora and Arch Linux (and, of course, Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives).


Different documentation, guides, how-to itp. (DDP)

At present the current translation is the release notes and some minor. Most, however, lies and squeals. These translations are very extensive, so translate ie. Installation Guide, require commitment of at least 3-5 people.

It should be noted that the original versions of the manuals also tend to be slightly neglected.

Package descriptions (DDTP)

The most important package descriptions are now translated, but still come new, so you have watch on a regular basis. It is useful even sporadic activity, since each description must be approved by the two others persons.

Translation package descriptions is the simplest method for translation in Debian (at least you do not have experience with translating PO files). Unfortunately - the endless odyssey server located in Spain, in Extremadura, cause frequent and unfortunately sometimes a few weeks failures the entire infrastructure.

Special care require package descriptions taks-* because they show in Debian installer.


News are not translated into Polish and probably rightly so, because it is beyond of our capabilities at the moment. Occasionally appear only translations such information as about new Debian release. This section probably is currently the least important.


Explanation: by "making changes" we mean a place where you can apply change or list, on which you can send the file with finished translation. All Debian lists are available at list.debian.org, so entry such "debian-l10n-polish@" means a debian-l10n-polish@lists.debian.org. "Bugs reports" means send mail with relevant context to the address submit@bugs.debian.org (more information at https://www.debian.org/Bugs/).

Note: Some of the links can be found on page "Central Debian translation statistics" at https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/

Title: Debian -- Debian in Polish

Debian in Polish

Debian is accessible in Polish language too. From installation of the system, to the user interface of the majority of popular programs and the system messages to the documentation. Obviously, there are many things still to be done in this matter, but probably even now you can use Debian without knowing English.

Furthermore, there is a strong Debian users community in Poland, visible through multiple web sites, mailing lists, and forums. At the moment, there are 13 official Debian developers from Poland registered in the project.

Polish Debian resources

Where to look for help in Polish language

There are several other Polish sites about Debian, but they haven't been updated for some time.

Translating Debian to Polish

Information about translated packages and Debian web pages are available on the statistics pages.

In order to keep the vocabulary consistent, please use the word list when translating Debian-related resources.

If you would like to help with translation (e.g. installation messages, package descriptions, program interfaces, WWW pages like this one, documentation etc.) or if you have another idea what could be placed on this or other Debian pages, send an e-mail on the debian-l10n-polish@lists.debian.org list.

Formerly a lot of work was put in the Polish Documentation of Debian Project (PDDP), but it seems to be inactive these days.

Projects on translations

The following description was prepared by end of 2013

Installer (debian-installer, d-i)

The Debian Installer is now fully translated. The whole require viewing at least in terms of style, but overall is pretty good.

These translation need to keep an eye on, against the impending new release Debian, because package maintainers tend to make changes in English messages in the last minute.

WWW pages

The main Debian web pages are translated, the part is slightly outdated. Recently, the situation began to improve. It is not worst, though would do well to translate at least a few important pages.

Debconf templates

Currently translated is approx. 60% debconf templates. New templates are usually translated on the fly, but there is still a lot of older templates, which also would be fitting to translate.

Debconf templates are those windows that appear sometimes when installation / upgrade package or call dpkg-reconfigure. Descriptions for translations are usually very short, although some are difficult to translations without knowledge of the specifics of the package. Appropriate notice of the upcoming new version of templates are announced on the debian-i18n mailing lists, and the translated template must be send as bug reports against this package with wishlist priority.


Manuals with packages such as coreutils (rm, cat, etc.), util-linux (dmesg, mkfs, etc.), manpages (proc, hosts, etc.) and others (sed, bash, etc.) are translated in the manpages-pl project, which accepts every willing soul who will want to reduce even one piece nearly 700 completely outdated manual pages waiting for his day of glory :-). At the moment the translation of manpages-pl also get at least to Fedora and Arch Linux (and, of course, Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives).


Different documentation, guides, how-to itp. (DDP)

At present the current translation is the release notes and some minor. Most, however, lies and squeals. These translations are very extensive, so translate ie. Installation Guide, require commitment of at least 3-5 people.

It should be noted that the original versions of the manuals also tend to be slightly neglected.

Package descriptions (DDTP)

The most important package descriptions are now translated, but still come new, so you have watch on a regular basis. It is useful even sporadic activity, since each description must be approved by the two others persons.

Translation package descriptions is the simplest method for translation in Debian (at least you do not have experience with translating PO files). Unfortunately - the endless odyssey server located in Spain, in Extremadura, cause frequent and unfortunately sometimes a few weeks failures the entire infrastructure.

Special care require package descriptions taks-* because they show in Debian installer.


News are not translated into Polish and probably rightly so, because it is beyond of our capabilities at the moment. Occasionally appear only translations such information as about new Debian release. This section probably is currently the least important.


Explanation: by "making changes" we mean a place where you can apply change or list, on which you can send the file with finished translation. All Debian lists are available at list.debian.org, so entry such "debian-l10n-polish@" means a debian-l10n-polish@lists.debian.org. "Bugs reports" means send mail with relevant context to the address submit@bugs.debian.org (more information at https://www.debian.org/Bugs/).

Note: Some of the links can be found on page "Central Debian translation statistics" at https://www.debian.org/international/l10n/

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