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Re: Fwd: Call for Participation: Translations Devroom at FOSDEM 2023

Une idée de contribution que je vous soumets:
"Building an atractive way in an old infra for new translators

The Debian French localization team has an old-fashion translation system, in general. Many things use mail, the doc is not quite easy to learn, our tools are old, and the distro does not use modern tools such as Pottle or whatever.

It is difficult to plan a such evolution, as Debian is large, the staff of administrators is small and busy, and covering all the translation subprojects is a very challenge.

On the debian-facile wiki page, I suggest a way in order to ensure the new translator walks at his/her owh rhythm, meets the team, understands the process, and so on. Of course, we need support, help and persons, but at least it lets persons not using modern tools to contribute and, if they want, become a Debian Developer not uploading.

Let us introduce this way and how a beginner can take stuff to get involved, and see the challenges at each of such steps.

Ca vous plairait?

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization
Le 09/11/2022 à 18:44, Jean-Philippe MENGUAL a écrit :
Ca vous intéresse? J'ai très envie de soumettre des choses et de participer.

Jean-Philippe MENGUAL
Debian Developer non uploading
Community team member
Accessibility team member
debian-l10n-french team member
President of Debian France non-profit organization

-------- Message transféré --------
Sujet : Call for Participation: Translations Devroom at FOSDEM 2023
Date de renvoi : Wed, 9 Nov 2022 12:12:44 +0000 (UTC)
De (renvoi) : debian-i18n@lists.debian.org
Date : Wed, 9 Nov 2022 09:12:19 -0300
De : Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana <phls@debian.org>
Pour : Debian I18n <debian-i18n@lists.debian.org>

Hi all,

Web version available here: https://gitlab.com/translations-devroom/cfp

# FOSDEM 2023 In Person -- Translations DevRoom Call for Participation!

The twenty-third edition of FOSDEM [1] will take place Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th February 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

## Key dates / New updates

* Conference dates 4-5 February, 2023 In person.
* Translations DevRoom [2] date: Sunday 5th February.
* Submission deadline: Sunday 4th December (23:59 UTC).
* Announcement of selected talks: Thursday 15th December.
* You must be available in person to present your talk.
* Talk submissions should be 30 mins and this should include Q&A time.


For the first time, FOSDEM will hold a devroom on all things related to translating FLOSS projects.

* Recruiting new people to translate your project.
* How it works in your project to translate softwares, websites, packages, manuals, tools, and so on.
* Which tools are used by translators.
* Exchange experiences between FLOSS projects.
* Rewarding volunteer contributors and keeping volunteers motivated.
* Showing which languages your project has been translated.

Again, these are just suggestions. We welcome proposals on any aspect of translations!


* Head to the FOSDEM 2023 Pentabarf website [3].
* If you already have a Pentabarf account, please don’t create a new one.
* If you forgot your password, reset it.
* Otherwise, follow the instructions to create an account.
* Once logged in, select "Create Event" and click on "Show All" in the top right corner to display the full form.
* Your submission must include the following information:
- First and last name / Nickname (optional) / Image.
- Email address.
- Mobile phone number (this is a very hard requirement as there will be no other reliable form of emergency communication on the day).
- Title and subtitle of your talk (please be descriptive, as titles will be listed with ~500 from other projects).
- Track: Select “Translations DevRoom” as the track.
- Event type: Lecture (talk).
- Persons: Add yourself as the speaker with your bio.
- Description: Abstract (required)/ Full Description (optional).
- Links to related websites / blogs etc.
- Beyond giving us the above, let us know if there’s anything else you’d like to share as part of your submission - Twitter handle, GitHub activity history - whatever works for you. We especially welcome videos of you speaking elsewhere, or even just a list of talks you have done previously. First time speakers are, of course, welcome!
- For issues with Pentabarf, please contact <translations-devroom-manager@fosdem.org>. Feel free to send a notification of your submission to that email.

If you need to get in touch with the organisers or program committee of the Translations DevRoom, email us at <translations-devroom-manager@fosdem.org>

FOSDEM code of conduct [4]

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana and Daniel Lenharo - Translations DevRoom Co-Organizers

[1] https://fosdem.org
[2] https://fosdem.org/2023/schedule/track/translations
[3] https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM23
[4] https://fosdem.org/2023/practical/conduct

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Belo Horizonte - Brasil
Debian Developer
Associado do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres
Site: http://phls.com.br
GPG ID: 0443C450

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