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Re: Print Screen isn't working (7.0.5)

Hello Andrew,

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 12:07:48AM -0400, Andrew wrote:
> Dear Klaus,
> Thank you for your prompt reply.  "gnome-screenshot -i" will do everything
> I need to do.
> Of course, it still would be convenient to have the Ctrl+PrintSrc and
> Alt+PrintSrc hotkeys.  (On the other hand, the added funtionality of the
> interactive menu is also very nice.  Although, gnome-screenshot -i could
> just be tied to a third hotkey, say Ctrl+Alt+PrintSrc.)
> Based on what you said I was able to discover a little more.  The
> interception of Alt+F1, Alt+F2 is being controlled via gsettings keys
> 'panel-main-menu' and 'panel-run-dialog'.  For example,
> $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings panel-run-dialog "[]"
> will prevent further interception of Alt+F2.  It then gets passed to the
> application level, despite the assignment of Alt+F2 to "run_command_2" in
> ~/.gconf/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/%gconf.xml.
> $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings panel-run-dialog
> "['<Alt>F1']"
> will restore the default setting and resume interception.  Although these
> two keys are being intercepted, I have not been able to figure out how to
> assign commands.  In any event, org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings has no
> key for a print-screen function.

Thanks for the nice command lines, I had been using "dconf-editor" in
order to try the same, and also found that there are no actual command
assignments possible. All you can do is activate or deactivate the keys.

I guess what's supposed to happen (without being documented) is that
applications "should" now, in the new gtk3 scheme, listen on dbus in
order to get notified of hotkeys.  This adds some overhead, and lxpanel
does not currently support this (lxpanel is only controlled via the
lxpanelctl commandline tool which pops up the menu and "run" dialogs).
There may be a generic gtk application that handles hotkeys, but I did
not find one so far which didn't require installing a lot of gnome
infrastructure that would bloat the CD version too much. :-(


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