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Re: One line command to find bad mirrors for knoppix

Hello Bhavesh,

On Tue, Jun 04, 2013 at 11:02:43PM -0400, Bhavesh Patel wrote:
> Since there are quite a few bad mirrors on http://knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html ,  and I plan to atleast fix the original html as well and send it to Klaus to upload on knopper.net,I wrote a script which can be run to find all the bad mirrors.
> I'm making this command for anyone so that in future it can be run by other volunteers and report bad or missing mirrors or fix it in the future.
> links -dump http://knopper.net/knoppix-mirrors/index-en.html | grep download-en | sort --key=47 | cut -c 71- | grep -v rsync | sort | uniq | xargs -i -t curl -4  --show-error --include --head {}
> Pls note this script tests both http and ftp .I do not know how to test rsync.

Now this is one great command line, thanks! :-)

The output of
curl -4 --show-error --include --head ftp://ftp.cs.uni-frankfurt.de/pub/Mirrors/knoppix 
curl: (19) Given file does not exist
is somewhat confusing though, since the mirror in Frankfurt is OK and all
Knoppix files exist. Maybe curl tries to download a certain file instead
of just checking for the directory index?

rsync can be tested easily by

rsync rsync-url
rsync host::

without a destination file or target directory.


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