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[debian-knoppix] Own apps


I have tested the Knoppix-CD for two days now and I find it a wonderful
piece of software. That's what many linux users need.
I have some special question to the underlying concept. Is it possible to
mount the ISO to a filesystem (that is possible) and add some personal
applications? I need some visualization software (GMV).
Is it possible to update the modified image and burn it to a CDR?
I do not want to undergo the development by this manipulation but for
private use it could be interesting.

Many thnaks in advance
Matthias Möller

        8P"YP"Y88 o      ----------------------------------------------------
        8|o||o|88   O   / Matthias Moeller                                   \
        8'    .88     O/  Institute of Applied Mathematics                    |
        8`._.' Y8.     |  LS III, University of Dortmund                      |
       d/      `8b.    |  Vogelpothsweg 87, D-44227                           |
      dP   .    Y8b.   |  Dortmund, Germany                                   |
     d8:'  "  `::88b   |                                                      |
    d8"         'Y88b  \  e-mail: matthias.moeller@mathematik.uni-dortmund.de /
   :8P    '      :888   \ Phone : (+49) 231-755-3461                         /
    8a.   :     _a88P    ----------------------------------------------------
  ._/"Yaa_:   .| 88P|
  \    YP"    `| 8P  `.
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