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Bug#939633: More severe #939633 for RP4 on 5.8?

found 939633 5.8.10-1~bpo10+1
severity 939633 important
merge 935456 939633

I'm left suspecting bugs #935456 and #939633, are in reality a single
bug: Raspberry Pi device trees were garbled during Debian's 5.2 kernel

They appear to remain very garbled, to the point of being pretty well
useless.  I've built a kernel from Debian's 5.8 kernel source and the
device tree binary produced doesn't appear to allow a Raspberry PI 4B
to complete its boot.  Might be USB functionality is operational, but
neither ethernet interface nor display function.

Ironically, the additional ACPI/EFI support DOES function.  This means
the Tianocore image for Raspberry PI 4B works better with the current

I'm unsure whether badly breaking all Raspberry PI variants quite
justifies critical or grave (popular machine, but kernel issues by nature
cause 10x the damage so severities should be somewhat damped).

I certainly hope to see the 5.9 release since that has additional
high-value improvements...

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