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Bug#464032: 686 Description looks scary to k7 guys

Am 2008-02-05 21:15:33, schrieb jidanni@jidanni.org:
> OK, but perhaps e.g.,
>   Package: linux-image-686
>   Description: Linux image on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/P4
>    This package depends on the latest binary image for Linux kernel on
>    Pentium Pro/Celeron/Pentium II/Pentium III/Pentium 4 machines.
> should start mentioning something about the k7 etc. other CPUs.

This is not true, this Kernel works perfectly with K6, K6-II and K6-III
but on many Athlon Socket A Mainboards it does not Work.  You can be
lucky if you have another machine where you can compile YOUR OWN k7
and the instzall it on your Athlon/Sempron/Duron machine.

I have 24 Servers using the AsusTek A7V600-X with secopnd version of the
Athlon and with Semprons and the 686 from Debian does not work on it.

I have had to install the 386 (it was under Sarge) and now the 484 if I
reinstall under Etch.  And after this, Roll my own Kernel for k7.

The same problem is for the 686-xen Kernel.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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