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Re: Problems with make-kpkg -- SOLVED

kernel-package is not maintained by debian-kernel. Ask the maintainer
for support.

On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 12:29:00PM -0500, Michael D. Norwick wrote:
> I am trying to compile a 2.6.19 kernel from pristine source with the > grsecurity patches applied. I am using gcc 4.2.1 on a Pentium III 1 Ghz
> Dell Opteron;

Linux 2.6.19 is older than gcc 4.2. This will not work. Update to .22 if
you want to use this compiler.


I got the correct kernel for the version of gcc I am using and it patched and compiled without error. Many thanks to the maintainers of the debian tools for offering a truly quality product. I built it first time through with the right source and tools. I am afraid I get behind in the compiler and tool upgrades as I do not build new kernels very often. I realized I might be on the wrong list when I initiated this thread but since it was kernel related I felt this group was a place to start. Thank You again,


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