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Re: Including a low-latency kernel images in Debian for use with CDD DeMuDi.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 11:55:12AM +0100, Free Ekanayaka wrote:
> |--==> Bastian Blank writes:
>   BB> Okay. Lets take a look at the images:
>   BB> i386:
>   BB> * available:
>   BB>   - 486
>   BB>   - 686 (maybe we can adopt the lock-noop patch, see the xen repo for
>   BB>     references)
>   BB>   - 686-smp
>   BB>   - k7 (the same)
>   BB>   - k7-smp
>   BB> * ready for merge:
>   BB>   - vserver-686 (here, I think, we really should add the mentioned
>   BB>     patch, as i386 have a too large overhead for locking)
>   BB>   - vserver-k7
> BTW I've checked out the  whole kernel SVN repo, but  I can't find the
> vserver-* configs.. where are they exactly?

They are i believe in bastian's (waldi) people branch of the svn.

>   BB> * wanted:
>   BB>   - amd64-k8
>   BB>   - emt64-$bla
>   BB> * requested for -media (I think):
>   BB>   - rt-686
>   BB>   - rt-k7
> Yes.
> I've talked a bit with Junichi, and we came to the conclusion that
> naming the flavour "-multimedia" (hence -multimedia-686, -multimedia-k7)
> would probably be the best choice as:

Not sure, since those -rt kernels can be used for other stuff than just sound.

> 1) it should be more clear the connection between this set of flavours
> and the debian-multimedia team
> 2) the  realtime patch might  not be the  only patch  we  are going to
> apply, for example  we might want  bootsplash and  software suspend 2;
> then the -rt label would be misleading



Sven Luther

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