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Re: Plasma 5.24 coming to unstable

On Sun, 27 Feb 2022 16:47:25 +0100
Erwan David <erwan@rail.eu.org> wrote:

Hello Erwan,

>I know wether all plasma packages will upgrade or not ?

Whenever I see a large number of plasma packages arrive in testing, I
check versions.

If they go from 5.14.something to 5.14.somethingelse, then I upgrade
without too many worries.

If the packages go from 5.14.something to 5.15.something, then I wait a
day or two, to make sure everything has come through - in the mean time
checking as best I can that there aren't any known issues (here, Debian
packages, DDG search, etc).

If packages were to go from 5.14.5 to 6.something, I'd again hold on a
day or two to make sure everything's in sync.

However, IME, there are fewer issues with migration to testing - the
problems have usually been found in sid.  If there *are* issues, there's
quite often an announcement on this very list.  Usually from Martin
Steigerwald or Patrick Franz.

Of course, things can still break, but it _is_ rare.  Also, we the lucky
users, get to keep all the pieces.   :-)

 Regards  _
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
They take away our freedom in the name of liberty
Suspect Device - Stiff Little Fingers

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