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Re: Plasma 5.24 coming to unstable

On Sunday, 27 February 2022 16:41:28 CET Patrick Franz wrote:
> > Thanks for the advice, but too late for me: my KDE is broken now.
> > You should ideally warn one or two days before packages are uploaded.
> I disagree with having to give a warning 2 days in advance. If you run
> unstable, you should read mailing-lists, hang around in IRC and/or
> install apt-listbugs.

On top of that, if you don't have the capacity to fix a broken Sid system, you 
shouldn't be running Sid.
Running Sid is a great way to learn more about your system and if it breaks, 
figuring out how to fix it yourself is the most useful thing. If you need help, 
feel free to post your question(s) here and others may try to help.

Packaged get uploaded to Sid all the time, so it should be fully expected and 
any announcement is courteous, but imo unneeded.

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