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Re: In the update to 4.10 ...

chek if there is any other broken package messing around. I made the 
transition to KDE 4.10 smoothly last sunday but had to fix broken packages 
manually in aptitude because of a conflict between libopus0 and libopus0:i386 
or, otherwise, aptitude wanted to remove 251 packages!!!

Kind regards,

El Martes, 16 de julio de 2013 13:58:43 David Goodenough escribió:
> how many packages are expected to be removed.  apt-get is telling me 213,
> including things like akregator that I use every day.
> I suspect this is because the mirrors have not caught up, so if I knew how
> many to expect I would know when to accept the upgrade.
> I am on sid, so this is from an otherwise up to date machine which I
> upgrade every morning (it is a sacrifical machine but I would rather avoid
> too many sacrifices).
> The odd thing is that if I explicitly tell it to install akregator (which
> is already installed) it will happily do so, but then want to remove
> about 90 other packages.
> I am using the round robin http.debian.net in source.list.
> David

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