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Re: sid network-manager-kde can't processed password

On 10/27/2010 08:21 PM, Johannes Zarl wrote:

network-manager-kde can scan wifi networks and when i chose my router he
detect right encryption (WPA/WPA2), I type my password, click OK button
and everything seems fine.

But when i click on network-manager-kde icon and then on the my wifi
connection he open again password dialog with good password written in,
when I click Ok nothing happens.

I just recently went from a wired connection to wifi, and experienced the same
problem. Connecting with wpa_cupplicant+dhclient manually works as expected,
and the kde network-manager gui shows my network in the scan, but silently
fails to connect...

Install plasma-widget-networkmanagement and use it instead of
network-manager- kde.

Thanks for replay,
I installed plasma-widget-networkmanagement but the problem remained.

Tried this as well, same result...

Do you have a long passphrase for your WPA2-PSK? The following bug could
possibly be related:



No, just 14 without special characters.
It looks that it is bug.

Goran Dobosevic
Hrvatski: www.dobosevic.com
 English: www.dobosevic.com/en/
Registered Linux User #503414

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