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Re: kde 4.1 alpha coming soon

On Wednesday 30 April 2008 17:31:44 Leopold Palomo-Avellaneda wrote:
> A Dimecres 30 Abril 2008, Ana Guerrero va escriure:
> > Hi,
> >
> > KDE 4.1 alpha was released some hours ago. We are currently working on
> > packages that will be slightly newer that what is shipped with the
> > alpha1. This will have the advantage of a more usable plasma but it is
> > not still completely functional, so you are warned.
> >
> > So be patient, it will have like 3 days to have a full KDE 4.1 in
> > experimental, and we do not know yet for what arch we will do the uploads
> > (amd64 or i386).
> >
> > Ana
> Ana,
> just a curiosity. If i would like to see kde 4.1, can I install it in my
> Lenny/sid box and life together 3.5.9 without problems?

Unfortunately, both deploy to /usr/bin which means many apps get overwritten 
(or more accurately, many things removed by apt). Not nice!

I am running the current experimental KDE alongside KDE3.5.6 that was compiled 
(using "konstruct") locally and placed in /opt. By carefully!! setting paths 
in the appropriate startkde scripts, setting an env variable there, testing 
that in /etc/profile and setting paths there, I can run 99% OK side by side. 
Most kde3 apps run fine in kde4 despite two different dcop/dbus systems and 
many kde4 apps run fine in kde3.  Then you need kde3 and kde4 desktop files 
for the kdm xsessions (or however you run it) to run the appropriate 

Debian packagers apparently do not want both KDEs around. If you wish to 
compile it all (or at least one "side") and place in a safe place (not /usr 
or /usr/local), then you can try it.

Another option is to run in a virtual machine or use live-CDs which are posted 
in kde-apps.org which will have implementations as they are available.

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