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Debian & KDE FAQ... first day... :-)

Hello all!

That's what we got in the first day of KDEbian-FAQ... (if anybody has 
any other name, please tell me).

15 Questions and some Answers....!! Congratulations and thank you all!

More questions will be wellcome and also the answers ;-)

I am going to sleep...Z-)

Un saludo,
	Jaime Robles
	Coordinador KDE-ES http://www.kde.org/es
Debian & KDE users FAQ V-0.1

Jaime Robles (jaime@kde.org)
Begin 27/Jan/2001

This FAQ comes from the Debian & KDE user list: "debian-kde@lists.debian.org"

0.-Question: Where can I find the last version of this FAQ?
   Answer: 27 Jan 2001
        You can find it in http://kde.tdyc.com

1.-Q: Is there a list for KDE & Debian users?
   A: 27 Jan 2001
        Yes, the email address is: debian-kde@lists.debian.org

2.-Q: How can I subscribe the  "debian-kde@lists.debian.org"
   A: 27 Jan 2001
        Send an email to debian-kde-request@lists.debian.org with the subject "subscribe".

3.-Q: Where are the Release schedules?

4.-Q: Is there any web for KDE & Debian?
   A: 27 Jan 2001
        Please try http://kde.tdyc.com

5.-Q: What's avail and what's not?

6.-Q: How do I install it...I can't find a package called "kde"?
   A: 27 Jan 2001
        Go to http://kde.tdyc.com/  find a mirror close to you...throw that apt line in...apt-get install task-kde
        if you want 2.1 beta packages you need to add a "beta" to the end of the apt line.

7.-Q: What is the proper line to add to /etc/apt/sources.list?

8.-Q: BTW, what is this 'sources.list'?

9.-Q: Where do I go for non-Debian specific info about KDE?

10.-Q: How do I know if I should ask here, or kde.org?

11.-Q: What are the differences between Debian KDE and other(RedHat) KDE?

12.-Q: Where can I download a KDevelop .deb?
    A: 27 Jan 2001
        Try in http://people.debian.org/~rkrusty/  and also in

13.-Q: What are the packages installed by task-kde and what are the others
       I have to install one by one.?
    A: 27 Jan 2001
        For offline viewing do "apt-get update", then use dselect, console-apt, aptitude, etc.
        Online, use http://www.debian.org/Packages to see what is available, then either download and do "dpkg -i ..."
        or use "apt-get ...

14.-Q: How to install one package at a time as well as with task-kde
        (it can be easier if you have a slow or time limited connection).

15.-Q:  Who do I report what bugs to?

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