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Re: Remaining task packages ...

On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 03:17:23PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Ben Armstrong wrote:
> >     junior-simulation-games
> > 	Depends: freeciv
> lincity

Needs a description for our package listing (focus on using this package
with children, appropriate age, etc.).

> >     junior-internet-tools
> > 	Depends: mozilla
> Hmmm, seems really hard to me to suggest a reasonable browser.  I would
> use mozilla for my own, but I suspect many people will suggest other
> browsers.

Can I kick-start this discussion again?  What would make a good
junior-internet-tools package?  That's next up on my list to make.  Steer
clear of Gnome and KDE dependencies, please.  Also keep in mind our age 8
and under "initial audience", with 7 to 12 being our secondary audience.
If children 8 and under don't use anything other than a web browser, and
only occasionally send email (and then do that from a parent's account)
then we can just focus on providing two, possibly three browsers:

1. best GUI browser (that would be mozilla I think)

2. best "light" GUI browser (suggestions?)

3. best non-GUI browser (lynx?  links?)  or do children even need this?

Email is a decision children's sys admins will probably wish to make on
their own.  So unless there is a clear winner for a "child-friendly email
program" I'm inclined to leave that out of "version 1" of Debian Jr.  As
for other networked apps, I cannot think of any (non-game) Internet apps
that I would use with my children.  Can you?

p.s. Have I dropped the ball on any recently suggested additions to the
     "Packaged" listing?  I have a feeling that I may have, since for
     some time I put a hold on updates while I was providing i18n support
     by breaking it up into indvidual files.  Please remind me if you see
     suggestions that never made it to the listing that should go in.
    nSLUG       http://www.nslug.ns.ca      synrg@sanctuary.nslug.ns.ca
    Debian      http://www.debian.org       synrg@debian.org
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