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MoveinBlue: looking for a web engineer


A few months ago we sent a job offer for MoveinBlue to this list; we
were looking for web developers with certain sysadmin superpowers. We
got many high-quality responses, and in fact we have worked with
several of the respondents, in most cases satisfactorily for both

Well, our website is out and we are moving along nicely. Now we are
looking for a web engineer, primarily in a developer capacity. We
would like you to know your PHP, JavaScript and Python; be an
outstanding and committed developer; be comfortable as a sysadmin;
take responsibility of a project from start to end, and need little
supervision; develop your own tools as required; have contributed to
Free software projects before; and speak fluent English. In short, we
want a lot of things, but of course we will consider you if you don't
cover all the bases.

We are based in Spain, and we are offering freelance work with the
possibility of a long-term work relationship. Tele-commuting and
flexible hours (in both ways) are our way of life! Our project should
be quite interesting: you will be working with a lot of cutting edge
technologies and do things right from the start.

Please send back a sample of your previous work so we can start talking.


Alex Fernández,
Cofounder, MoveinBlue.

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