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lombok build failes


I'm trying to fix lombok packge so it builds but there are some issues
that I don't know how to handle best.

[ivy:compile] warning: [options] To suppress warnings about obsolete
options, use -Xlint:-options.
[compile:javac] Compiling 18 source files to
/build/lombok-1.16.6/src/utils/lombok/javac/Javac.java:330: error:
JCNoType is not abstract and does not override abstract method getTag()
in Type
[ivy:compile]   private static class JCNoType extends Type implements
NoType {
[ivy:compile]                  ^
/build/lombok-1.16.6/src/utils/lombok/javac/Javac.java:332: error:
constructor Type in class Type cannot be applied to given types;
[ivy:compile]                   super(tag, null);
[ivy:compile]                   ^
[ivy:compile]   required: TypeSymbol
[ivy:compile]   found: int,<null>
[ivy:compile]   reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length
/build/lombok-1.16.6/src/utils/lombok/javac/Javac.java:337: error:
cannot find symbol
[ivy:compile]                   if (tag == ((Integer)
CTC_VOID.value).intValue()) return TypeKind.VOID;
[ivy:compile]                       ^
[ivy:compile]   symbol:   variable tag
[ivy:compile]   location: class JCNoType
/build/lombok-1.16.6/src/utils/lombok/javac/Javac.java:338: error:
cannot find symbol
[ivy:compile]                   if (tag == ((Integer)
CTC_NONE.value).intValue()) return TypeKind.NONE;
[ivy:compile]                       ^
[ivy:compile]   symbol:   variable tag
[ivy:compile]   location: class JCNoType
/build/lombok-1.16.6/src/utils/lombok/javac/Javac.java:339: error:
cannot find symbol
[ivy:compile]                   throw new AssertionError("Unexpected
tag: " + tag);
[ivy:compile]   symbol:   variable tag
[ivy:compile]   location: class JCNoType
[ivy:compile] 5 errors

/build/lombok-1.16.6/build.xml:186: Compile failed; see the compiler
error output for details.

Total time: 2 seconds
debian/rules:15: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_build' failed

So it fails becuse the signature of Type class (from tools.jar) has
changed from jdk6 to jdk8.

Of course lombok packages it's own version of the Type class in
lib/build/net.java.openjdk.custom-javac6.jar so it can build but it's
not helpfull for Debian since we can't really include that binary.

Any solutions on how to solve this?


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