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Re: Changing policy for the Maintainer field

Eric Lavarde - Debian wrote:
> 1. you say twice in your email that Debian has a Java quality issue. Can
> you please be more specific,

Yes, I can give examples, but not until next week though. It has to do with
bugs, even important ones, not getting attention. For a quick idea, look at
the history of mysql-connector-java which was recently pushed through to
etch, after a being nearly unusable for a long time.

> 2. perhaps a step to make those issues visible and more easily
> "addressable" by the "pkg-java" team, would be to have a report sent
> monthly with all RC bugs + all bugs of a certain importance not answered
> for 6 months.

Sure, that would perhaps help.

> 3. Maintainer would remain on pkg-java, first name of the Uploaded field
> should be the human/main maintainer, but would be only updated when doing
> for other reasons an upload.

That's ok with me, but you are changing the interpretation of the Uploaders
field, and it shouldn't be done retroactively. So we need a way to
distinguish the packages where the first Uploader is actually "main"
maintainer. (Hence my suggestion that we use the Maintainer field for that,
which is also more explicit.)


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