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Re: uploading mpkg-j2sdk

In message:  <[🔎] Pine.LNX.4.44.0305312115220.2276-100000@dent.z42.de>
             Hubert Schmid <hubert.schmid@stud.uka.de> writes:
>On Sat, 31 May 2003, Jan Schulz wrote:
> - the 'blackdown way': four packages are created from the binary Java2
>   SDK:
> - or build different packages from the Java2 RE and the Java2 SDK binary
>   archives, i.e:
>    * j2sdk: Development Kit and Runtime Environment
>      Provides: java-virtual-machine, java2-runtime, java-compiler,
>                java2-compiler, j2re
>      Conflicts: j2re

I don't think you can have a package both provide and conflict with
the same thing (j2re).

In any case, I prefer the blackdown way.

- Alex

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