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Re: Swing and other free GUIs (KDE?)

Hi Alexander,

--- Alexander Hvostov <alex@aoi.dyndns.org> wrote:
> At issue is not convenience, but speed. Swing is horribly slow, so any
> effort to speed it up seems worthy to me.

Just do it ;) Try getting in touch with the author of the gcj native swing
implementation, and see if you can get it to run with any of the free VMs. If
you can put it up somewhere, I could take a shot at integrating it into kaffe,
which has an Xlib based AWT, if the license permits it (kaffe is GPL).

> Having a pure Java Swing implementation to fall back on is a good idea IMO,
> but having a pure Java Swing implementation at the expense of a faster
> native implementation when the latter is available seems foolish.

I think that it's better to develop the fallback first, and then, with all the
acquired knowledge of Swing's internals, build an optimized native

But since I'm not going to do it, at least not in the next couple of years (I'm
busy enough with merging in stuff into kaffe's class libraries), don't let my
concerns prevent you from doing it. This is open source/free software
development after all, you can do whatever you want, and if it turns out to be
cool, I'd be very glad to link to it ;)

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