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Re: sun-jdk1.4-installer

>>>>> "Tony" == Tony Simone <tony.simone@medvantx.com> writes:
    Tony> Quick summary: the sun-jdk1.4-installer package requires you
    Tony> to download the Sun linux j2sdk archive (since Sun requires
    Tony> you to do so and it's hard to automate around that), and it
    Tony> provides a "build-sun-jdk14" script that does the rest for
    Tony> you.  It unpacks the archive, moves some files around, then
    Tony> rolls it into a .deb and even prompts you to install it,
    Tony> then cleans up after itself.  The j2sdk1.4 package it
    Tony> creates provides java-virtual-machine, java2-runtime, and
    Tony> java2-compiler, which should satify the depends of several
    Tony> other (potential) packages.

Have you looked at the .debs on the blackdown mirrors?  They have done
this for quite some time.  Add

  deb http://mirror.of.blackdown.org/pub/java/debian unstable main non-free

to you /etc/apt/sources.list and see
<URL:http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/mirrors.html> for a lis of
valid mirrors.

Stephen (jdk & j2se maintainer)

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