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Free JVM Config for Mozilla/Konqueror?

[reposting from debian-user -- it appears to be more on-topic here?]

I just upgraded my system to Debian 3.0 and am happily playing with Konqueror 
and Mozilla which are now real replacements for Netscape which was starting 
to show its age.  NS was actually my last proprietary software package, so 
I'm feeling really good about that. :-D

There is one problem though -- even though I opted to install Kaffe and Jikes 
as Free Java replacements, the browsers are not apparently configured to use 
them.  I kind of figured dpkg would work that out for itself (I've gotten 
spoiled, I guess ;-)).

Going to the Mozilla webpages I found instructions for installing a Java 1.4 
plugin, which I could obviously do, but I really want to run a Free version.

The main reason for this is that I'm going to be developing some Java-based 
web applications, and I want them to work in this Free-software-only 
configuration. So I'd like to have at least one of these two browsers 
configured to run a Kaffe JVM/JRE so I can test in what is basically going to 
be a "stressed" configuration.  I'm hoping it's actually possible to get a 
Java 1 / AWT / Jython based applet to run this way. But the first step is 
obviously getting the browser to use the JVM in the first place.

I opted against using Java 2 / Swing / Jython because of the SCSL licensing 
issues described in http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-java-faq/
as well as some performance issues I was warned about, BTW. I'm assuming 
that's still true.

For reference, starting Jython on the command line gives me this message, 
which leads me to believe I actually do have a working system:
Jython 2.1 on java1.0.5 (JIT: kaffe.jit)

Although I do see some messages like this:
*sys-package-mgr*: skipping bad jar, '/usr/share/kaffe/tools.jar'

Hmm, while I'm at it, I notice that:

import awt
import java.awt

give me errors like:

>>> import java.awt
Traceback (innermost last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in ?
ImportError: no module named java

even though kaffe.org claims to have AWT.  Hmm, that doesn't sound so 

MInd you, I'd be happy with any Free JVM -- Kaffe just seemed like the 
natural choice when I was looking at the Debian packages.

Any advice greatly appreciated!

[Since I posted this, I got a reply which suggested that I would need a 
Kaffe-based plugin for Mozilla -- i.e. that it wouldn't use the system's JVM. 
Konqueror's documentation claims it will use the system JVM, but merely 
having the konqueror and kaffe packages installed is evidently not enough to 
set this up -- presumeably I have to do some configuring, though I haven't 
figured out how].

Thanks  for any ideas,

Terry Hancock ( hancock at anansispaceworks.com )
Anansi Spaceworks  http://www.anansispaceworks.com

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