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Re: java-common and registry

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 04:25:34PM -0500, Ben Burton wrote:
> Hi.. I noticed that java-common 0.8 has been rejected from the archives.  
> Since there will have to be a new upload, I don't suppose it would be 
> possible to include the registry stuff along with it?

Well it is a possibility. There will probably be more uploads after
that too.

> *flutters eyelids*
> I can write drafts for the appropriate policy changes if desired.

Of course. It is a proposal that I want to have commented, changed,
updated, fixed, added new features to, etc. :)

> My only question would be whether the registry files should be conffiles, 
> i.e. in /etc/java/registry instead of /usr/share/java/registry?

Conffiles might be good yes.


// Ola

> Ben.
> -- 
> Ben Burton
> benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
> http://baasil.humbug.org.au/bab/
> Public Key: finger bab@debian.org
> The Bible contains six admonishments to homosexuals, and 362 to
> heterosexuals.  This doesn't mean God doesn't love heterosexuals, it's
> just that they need more supervision.
> 	- Lynn Lavner
> -- 
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