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Re: HVM hardware for Xen-Server

2007/7/30, Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle@freenet.de>:

> I personaly run a 3Ware 9500 with 16 WD-Raptor 74 GByte already, and
> it is nice that you can put up to 4 Controllers into a Computer.
> And there is a small export problem using Sun/IBM/HP...
> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
>     Michelle Konzack

On this "enterprise" level, i would advise You to use tottaly separate
storage engine.
Don't know what are your funds but it should work with fiberchannel
connection between the mainframe (with xen/openvz's) and the storage
bay. I think it's a most "sane" and scalable solution. U can implement
totally independent and scalable storage engine for those windblows

p.s. being curious - what is the "destination" of this system ?


Wojciech Ziniewicz
Unix SEX :{look;gawk;find;sed;talk;grep;touch;finger;find;fl
ex;unzip;head;tail; mount;workbone;fsck;yes;gasp;fsck;more;yes;yes;eje
ct;umount;makeclean; zip;split;done;exit:xargs!!;)}

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