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Re: pop3 proxy


perdition works fine for me. I use it as a IMAP proxy, but it can do the same for pop3.

Peter Havekes
Systeem- en Netwerkbeheerder
Avans Hogeschool
Onderwijsboulevard 215
5223 DE 's-Hertogenbosch
Telefoon 0736295592
Mobiel 0612917383
Fax 0736295405
email p.havekes@avans.nl

"Dit is mijn uitspraak en daar zult u het mee moeten doen!"

>>> Bernhard Krieger < bernhard.krieger@liwest.at > 21-7-2007 5:35 A >>>

does anyone know a "proxy" pop3 daemon, which e.g. change the login name
"test" to " test@domain.com " read out from a map file?


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