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Re: per-person SMTP client

also sprach Craig Sanders <cas@taz.net.au> [2005.01.26.1249 +0100]:
> > However, so far I have been using 1 year expiration on the
> > certificates, and it's a major pain to get new certificates out to
> > each of about 280 clients,
> so use 5 year or 10 year expiration.

What's the advantage of using that over passwords?

> installing the cert is up to the end-user, unless their machine is
> a *nix/postfix (or whatever) box that you have root on.

I am root on their machines. If they were all accessible at all
times, no problem. As it stands, I get a call from xyz behind
a fascist firewall in need of a new certificate. What to do if
I cannot SSH into the box? Hand them the root password? I don't
think so...

> reload is only needed if you change main.cf or any text map files
> (including pcre or regexp maps).

Yeah, you are right. It takes years to kill a habit.

> e.g wghat exactly is a /usr/sbin/sendmail provider? and how does
> it differ from having an MTA on the client host? or even an
> smtp-capable MUA?

I want a /usr/sbin/sendmail which uses ~/.sendmailrc or the like of
the calling user to determine what to do with the message. Some
users may want to use SASL, others may want to use a local

> btw, if you are root on the client machines, doesnt that make
> installation of cerificates a) easy and b) easily automated?

See above. Yes, if the machines are reachable. No in all practical

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