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Re: SEARCH attack

Just be aware that it's actual mod_alias rather than mod_rewrite lines in that extract, so the first line should be

 <IfModule mod_alias.c>

Of course, it will only break due to the error if you don't have mod_rewrite loaded.

On Jun 7, 2004, at 11:58 AM, Robert Cates wrote:

Thanks much!

The rewrite solution looks good to me as well, and I'll add to my config

Thanks again,

----- Original Message -----
From: "mimo" <mimo@restoel.net>
To: "Robert Cates" <robert@kormar.de>
Cc: <debian-isp@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Monday, June 07, 2004 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: SEARCH attack


I have noticed the same here -- have a look at this forums.macosxhints.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D22371+%22SEARCH+/ %5Cx90%5Cx02&hl=en

I liked the rewrite solution to throw it to ms... ;)


Robert Cates wrote:


I hoping somebody can both fill me in on what this SEARCH is all about,
what I can/should do to stop it:

Every so often I find a very long request in my Apache access logs that
seems to be an attempted SEARCH ("SEARCH /\x90\x02\xb1\x02\xb1\x02\

1).  Is this a security problem (on a Linux server)?

2).  If so, how can I stop this?  I tried to stop it using a <Limit
but a configtest told me that "SEARCH" was an undefined or unknown
I placed the <Limit SEARCH> within the <Directory /> container as well as
out on it's own in the config file.

3).  Is this a Windows platform issue?

4). If so, how can I stop these attempts from filling up my access logs.

All info is greatly appreciated!


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