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Re: PHP3 + PHP4 + Apache

Also, IIRC, php4 provides support for php3 files. I also think you will need to add support for the recognition of php3 file extensions. To do this, add the following lines inside the <IfModule mod_mime.c> section (correct me if I'm wrong, I haven't done this in a while):
     AddType application/x-httpd-php .php3
     AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

You only need to add the second line if you want support for the viewing of the php sources when someone has a file with the .phps file extension.

Matt Juaire
Lead System Engineer
Wireframe Technologies
On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 12:43  PM, Rod Rodolico wrote:

Yes. Install the apache modules and, if the configuration doesn't do it
for you (I seem to remember it didn't), add the line:

LoadModule php4_module /usr/lib/apache/1.3/libphp4.so

to /etc/apache/httpd.conf.

It has been a while since I've installed it, but I seem to remember I had
to modify the DirectoryIndex in the same file. Mine looks like:

<IfModule mod_dir.c>
DirectoryIndex index.html index.php3 index.php index.htm index.shtml

Also, the php configuration files are located in /etc/php4/apache.

Reload apache, it should go.



Is it possible to run php3 and php4 as modules under apache, without
having to compile from source code, ie debian packages?

I probably guess I need to tweak somthing just a bit to make it work :)

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