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Re: Spamassasin over RBL, was Re: rblsmtpd -t?]

On Thu, 2 May 2002 21:55, Glenn Hocking wrote:
> I would love for it to work but I spent a couple of days tracking down
> why some email (to do with payroll so was very important) was being
> bounced.
> Turned out to be spamcop. As soon as I removed the rbl from my sendmail
> config the mail started flowing again.
> Problem seems to be that GE and Pizza Hut (and others)  send out spam
> themselves so end up on the lists.
> Seems that one persons advertising email is another persons spam.....

Sometimes people forget that they signed up for a mailing list and when some 
content arrive they treat it as spam.  But also some big companies just 
genuinely think that an advert for their products is desired by millions of 
people and that they should send it out indiscriminately.

If you're in contact with any senior people at these companies suggest to 
them that they use different mail servers (with different IP addresses for 
outgoing traffic) for different purposes.  Then when their advertising server 
is listed as a spam source their corporate server will still be usable.  This 
is a simple chance but can save huge amounts of pain for everyone concerned.

If you send email to me or to a mailing list that I use which has >4 lines
of legalistic junk at the end then you are specifically authorizing me to do
whatever I wish with the message and all other messages from your domain, by
posting the message you agree that your long legalistic sig is void.

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