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Sendmail Urgent!!!


 I have a Debian server with sendmail with only one domain and i need that
ALL inbound and Outbound mail ALSO go to a backup account e-mail.


 from the intranet i send an e-mail to pp@xx.com, then sendmail sends this
email to destinatary and also to backup@my_domain.com.

 from internet somebody send me an e-mail to my_email@my_domain.com, then
sendmails (or other program perhaps procmail) sends that email to my account
and also to backup@my_domain.com.

 I think this could be done inserting IN ALL E-MAILS (inbound and outbound)
the tag BCC: backup@my_domain.com, but how????

 Please it is urgent......... any idea??????

 Thanks a lot!!!!!!!



      The Basque Madness                      / /  (_)__  __ ____  __  
       I.M.D. Computing                      / /__/ / _ \/ // /\ \/ / 
     imd@euskal-linux.org                   /____/_/_//_/____/ /_/\_\
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