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Re: Very huge email service

Hello MegaPOP :-)

We startet to design a similar system in august this year and are now
going into deployment phase now.
There are a few criterias you need to meet for such a system:

1.)	scalability
2.)	availability
3.)	robustnes

The services concerned are:

a.)	reception of external mail	(MX)
b.)	delivery to local users		()
c.)	hold user mailboxes		(pop3 or imap)
d.)	relaying known users mail	("smarthost")
e.)	DNS if you offer "yourdomain.ar"

As you see, the sheer number of users and service dependencies force to
automate the system.

ad 1.)	if you divide the services like showen above you need 5 types of
	MX hosts, POP/IMAP hosts, relay hosts, DNS hosts and last but not least
	an POP3-proxy-host (the trick that makes pop-accounts scale).

ad 2.)	I.	most important: backup your data
	II.	second most important: backup you data
	III.	test your backups
	IV.	if you consequently use RAID, hardware failiure should not be your
	V.	to increase the availability of a service, just add another host of
that type
	VI.	if that dose not fit anymore, use hardware loadbalancing equipment

ad 3.)	is a major problem. you have to implement any process your
offered products will allow PLUS all possible ways, to recover this
process from eventual failure. you will need to implement lots of
database applications for that. that's why you need a hand full of good
programmers and database experts.

OR !

you can buy a solution from SUN and/or Netscape.

Florian Kunkel

Baltazar Quinterno wrote:
> Does anyone had to configure mail servers to serve 30 millon users,
> with smtp and pop3, if so can you give any clue , because i dont know
> from where to start.

  edv - multimedia - service    http://www.net-operations.de
              Florian Kunkel    F.Kunkel@net-operations.de
           Kattreinstraße 38    Tel:+49 6151-367033
           D-64295 Darmstadt    Fax:+49 6151-367034

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