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Re: Unable to ping6 on local network im vmware


Am 05.02.2011 um 00:09 schrieb Christian Svensson:

> Hello,
> My experience suspects the use of dummy itself - I have seen strange things happening while using it for more than basic stuff.
> I would suggest running tcpdump on dummy0 and examine if ICMP replies (or neighbour information for that matter) are being sent. You could also try bridging with a real interface (perhaps try some veth combo).
> If vmware-bridge creates a br-interface like brctl does, you could also try assigning your XX::1 ip to that interface.

Thanks for your help - indeed, after removing dummy0 and assigning the ipv6-addresses to the vmnet-Interfaces everything is running fine.

However, the reason for using dummy in favor of vmnet interfaces was, that dummy0 can be configured via /etc/network/interfaces easily (debian-style), while vmnet cannot (on boot time - the vmware-interfaces come up later on). Do you know a nice way for hooking the vmnet ipv6-assignments into the boot process (apart from the obvious init-Script #!/bin/sh \n ip -6 ....)?


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