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Dear debian-ipv6@lists.debian.org,

Thank you for contacting us. Your request has been received and will be processed as soon as possible, within the next 24 hours.

Please feel free to visit our frequently asked questions page in the Game Center under the link called 'Support'. You may find a solution to your problem on that page. You may also use the link at the bottom of the support page to contact us instead of using email. Support reqests sent through the support page are generally answered faster than email.

For future reference, your issue number is 1631139 and you can use this number to reference your problem anytime you contact us about this same problem. Please include your ticket number in the subject line of your email as we did above.

Thanks again,
The Game Center Support Team

IMPORTANT: DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL ADDRESS!  Please send any response to support-reply@oberon-media.com.

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