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Re: IPv6 address/port format

From: "Wilfried Woeber, UniVie/ACOnet" <woeber@cc.univie.ac.at>
Subject: Re: IPv6 address/port format
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2000 15:08:13 MET

> >  I've seen people use both "IPv6-addr port" (space sep.) and
> >"IPv6-addr/port".  I think I really like using '/', and haven't yet
> >found a place where that will cause problems except for in URIs.
> >Using spaces is just universally compliated.  I guess we could use
> >something like '%', but then again, me randomly proposing things here
> >is probabaly not the best place to make suggestions usefully.  ;-)
> >
> >                        - Chris
>   I suppose we're suffering from a severe case of character overload:
>   In the IPv4 world the convention is a.b.c.d:port, with a,b,c and d an
>   external encoding base 10 of the 4-bytes of the 32bit address.
>   Talking in routing terms the convention is a.b.c.d/prefix, with a.b.c.d
>   being the network part of the address and a prefix length [1..32] in
>   bits, again given as a number base 10.
>   In the IPv6 world, both the ".", as well as the ":" as well as the "/"
>   are being used to specify the address and/or the length of the routing
>   prefix.
>   The external erpresentation uses base 16, with the 128 bits grouped into
>   8 fields of 16 bits each, separated by colons (see RFC 2373):
> 	FE80::02A0:24FF:FE9D:5094 (e.g. for a MAC Address of 00a0.249d.5094)
> 	3FFE:8034:80::0/48        (e.g. for a routing prefix)
>         ::FFFF:           (e.g. for a mixed v4/v6 environment)
>   We already ran into the port specification problem for IPv6, last resort
>   was to use white-space. Hmmm....

Now, then doing IPv6 addresses in URLs became troublesome a while back...

The IPv6 address format basically made all existing browser's URL parser to
break. Do anyone recall if that eventually got fixed?

PS. Hi Wilfred... recall the RIPE Mbone WGs? ;)


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