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Re: Bug#685577: [HOLD] Don't translate ipvsadm debconf PO (Was: ipvsadm 1:1.26-2: Please translate debconf PO for the package ipvsadm)

Quoting Alexander Wirt (formorer@debian.org):

> Oh.. hum, I already forgot about it. I took a look at the package again and
> imho it would make sense to keep the kernel warning. Automatic configuration
> never made real sense (the former maintainer implemented it), so I want to
> drop these.
> I am really sorry for any useless work work I am responsible for, but my time
> for debian in the last weeks was very limited and I really missed that
> detail.

Hmmm, there are currently four debconf templates for ipvsadm. Finally,
which ones do you intend to keep?

cperrier@mykerinos:~/travail/debian/rewrite/CALL/ipvsadm/ipvsadm/debian $ grep "^Template:" *templates
Template: ipvsadm/daemon_method
Template: ipvsadm/kernel_does_not_support_ipvs
Template: ipvsadm/auto_load_rules
Template: ipvsadm/daemon_multicast_interface

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