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Re: GHC 8.0.2

Hi again!

On Fri, Jan 27, 2017 at 08:22AM, Gianfranco Costamagna wrote:
> Now I got some new packages:
> haskell-shake ->> needs this patch: https://github.com/ndmitchell/shake/commit/9ccc022e5b02343ac48ce1d4245c9082f6ab86ef.patch

I opted for hiding `withCreateProcess', (didn't see upstream had fix it).

> haskell-vector-algorithms ->> needs this patch
> http://hub.darcs.net/RyanGlScott/vector-algorithms/patch/891942190c7c59f6634d6a4be061da37f9668e94
> (not yet merged upstream)

My approach here was a little bit different, but same result I guess.

> Now I'll start level 11 :)

Just finished rebuilding the whole stack locally (took way longer than
expected). I couldn't build the following packages:

* agda (out of memory when building documentation with haddock)

* haskell-secret-sharing (haddock fails with):

  haddock: internal error: renameType: HsSpliceTy
  CallStack (from HasCallStack):
    error, called at  utils/haddock/haddock-api/src/Haddock/Interface/Rename.hs:266:30 in main:Haddock.Interface.Rename

Here's the list of all the packages that need to be updated (of course
these are only the packages maintained by DHG):

haskell-dependent-sum       (patch for ghc-8.0.2)
haskell-cabal               (newer directory, but since ghc-8.0.2 ships
                             with a newer version, this is not needed)
hasktags                    (newer directory)
haskell-filestore           (newer directory)
haskell-snap-templates      (newer directory)
haskell-vector-algorithms   (patch for ghc-8.0.2)
haskell-concurrent-output   (newer directory)
gtk2hs-buildtools           (newer directory)
haskell-shake               (newer process)
haskell-cabal-helper        (newer directory)
haskell-glob                (newer directory)
haskell-xmlhtml             (newer directory)
haskell-ed25519             (newer directory)
agda                        (newer directory and patch for ghc-8.0.2)
haskell-ircbot              (newer directory)
haskell-hackage-security    (newer directory)
haskell-relational-query    (increase the limit for simplifier ticks)
haskell-cabal-install       (newer directory and newer Cabal)
haskell-path-io             (newer directory)
darcs                       (newer directory)
haskell-aws                 (newer directory)
haskell-monad-logger        (patch for ghc-8.0.2)
ghc-mod                     (newer directory)
haskell-diagrams-lib        (newer directory)
haskell-stack               (newer directory)
haskell-heist               (newer directory)
haskell-snap                (newer directory)
haskell-werewolf            (newer directory)
haskell-secret-sharing      (FTBFS, explained above)
yi                          (patch for ghc-8.0.2)
glirc                       (newer directory)
pandoc                      (newer directory)
xmonad-contrib              (patch for ghc-8.0.2)
haskell-hakyll              (newer directory)

I have pushed everything under branch `ghc-8.0.2'. I fear it's too late
to update that many packages now. What do you think?


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