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Re: new distribution

On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 13:53 -0600, Klaus Weidner wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 03:07:58AM -0800, trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com wrote:
> > I am seeking information on the creation of a new distribution.  What
> > are some tool names?  Google is not playing nice tonight (I can normally
> > find whatever I need, but there are so many articles on installing
> > debian that its hard to filter them out and get to what I want).
> > 
> > I cant chroot into an environment to make the install image without
> > having stuff already installed, and I would rather not do it that way if
> > it can be avoided so that my resulting image is clean.
> Check out the "debootstrap" Debian package which sets up a basic system
> using a predefined set of components, or alternatively the
> "chroot-debian" shell script which I use to make the
> "pocketworkstation.org" builds, that one determines dependencies
> dynamically and is a bit more flexible about the contents of the
> installed system.

Thanks, I will google for them shortly. I had looked at
pocketworkstation.org the 90M install was basically what I wanted to try
to trim, replacing some stuff with busybox, and remove gcc and all on
the base install and try to fit it into my iPAQ (48M storage, but the 2
banks are killing me on dividing it ...).  The goal is to make a debian
distribution that will boot and all without the requirement of 1.
familiar as a base (even for installing) and 2. pure debian.  

This appears to be smewhat difficult but I think that a core image can
be shrunk enough and once you get in if you want/happen to have
removable media (sd/cf/etc) you can then mount that and all (this is a
particular problem with SD which you cant boot from and I dont like the
'load familiar pivot_root' option.)

for google lawyers, I used google as a verb, so what you should be
proud, even if it does erode your trademark status and stop sending
silly lawsuit threats to people who do that.

Trixter http://www.0xdecafbad.com

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