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wsjtx 2.3.0-rc3, 2021-01-26, and Bullseye

Hello Debian Hams,

I'm writing to ask about and discuss our strategy for wsjtx and
Bullseye.  I notice that latest upstream is 2.3.0-rc3, the current
version in unstable and testing, will be nonfunctional on 2021-01-26
according to the dialog displayed at startup.

The immediate issue:

I like to run Debian testing on my RPis and will either need to
downgrade or patch and rebuild to bump the disabled date forward.
I realize others might be in the same boat, and there's not enough time
to upload to unstable and have the migrate to testing anyway...

The  Bullseye issue:

I don't have any contact with upstream to know when 2.3.0 might be
officially released, but we're getting close to soft-freeze and so I
thought I would ask what action we might take to avoid shipping a
nonfunctional binary.  Neither of the (2) options that come to mind feel
all that good:

1) patching the "not after" date in 2.3.0-rc3 (potentially against the
wishes of upstream)

2) uploading a 2.3.0~really-2.2.2 version

I'm assuming we can and will use the backports mechanism (and offer to
help maintain those), but that will likely leave Bullseye broken for a
period of time without taking some other action.

Thoughts on how we might address either of these?  I hope the questions
don't come across as being (too) selfish.  Thank you to Christian Berg
for keeping the 2.3.0 release candidates current.  Please let me know
if/how I can help.

73, tony KG7IEL

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