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Re: sound card calibration?

On 05/23/2016 08:08 PM, Drew Arnett wrote:
Hi Jaye,

What does a formal sound card calibration entail?  Is it just
measuring the error in the sampling rate of the sound card?

Thanks and best regards,


Hi Drew:

yes. I do a lot of digi modes and having a better lock on the sound card makes comms better. I have not had time to sort into this yet, but the package looks really neat. Once I learn it, I plan to share it with our fldigi traffic group since so many hams gave up on MS the last year. Finding the apps can be an uphill battle. Glad for this group and the recommendations.

73 om


wishing you well
Jaye, ke6sls--via the toshiba w/thunderchicken3

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