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Xdx 2.5.0 released

After plenty of time in incubation, I am pleased to announce the release
of Xdx 2.5.0.  Xdx is a lightweight X Window System DX Cluster client
for POSIX systems (Linux tested).  Originally written by Joop
Stakenborg, PG4I, maintenance was picked up by Nate Bargmann, N0NB, in
early 2014.  2.5.0 completes implementation of some UI features started
by Joop.

The ChangeLog summarizes the changes of the 2.5.0 release:

Changelog for version Xdx (2.5)
  * Complete function key command entry support.
  * Add close dialog when Ctl-Q is used to exit.
  * Update manual page to current conventions.
  * Update GPL boiler plate for current FSF mailing address.
    Thanks, Walter Fey, DL8FCL.
  * Spanish translation update from Baltasar, EA8BVP.
  * German translation update from Tom, DL1JBE.
  * Polish translation update from Bogusław, SQ5TB.
  * Update to CTY-2505 – 20 April 2015.
  * Add Keywords entry to desktop file.

The source tarball can be downloaded from:


Development is hosted at:


Support can be requested via the Xdx mailing list:


73, Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

Ham radio, Linux, bikes, and more: http://www.n0nb.us

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